STMWY the Event.

What a fun 7 days I have had at the annual Rolling Solo gathering. Tonight I am back in Alice Springs having left Ross River Resort this morning. The 300 present have disbursed in various directions to either continue their own travels or head back home.

Little Finches in abundance.
Emily Gap.
Corroboree Rock. Another of nature’s amazing creations. Approximately 50ks out of Alice Springs in the eastern McDonald ranges. I remember being here with Chris.
The terrain is constantly changing.
We became part of the long line of Rollers waiting at the checkin point.
Time to appreciate the beautiful scenery.
Hooray at last we have arrived. Now to settle in and set up for the week.
Most of us were situated at the campground area a short 10 minute walk away from the homestead.
Some of the activities during the week.
Gala Dinner with a dress in white theme.
Finches at the homestead.
Walking on the road between the campground and the homestead. Vehicle movement was kept to a minimum due to dust. Quite a site after dark with torches to find out way.
Early morning at the campground.
Looking down on the campground from one of the many high vantage points.
A few of us are staying in Alice Springs at the CP post the event. I was fortunate to get a spot due to the Red Centre Nats event here over the weekend. Car enthusiasts from all over gather to be part of this event. The weather changed dramatically and by late afternoon it was raining heavily. Locals pleased with 20mm of rainfall. Car enthusiasts with their cars out in the rain not so pleased.

Tomorrow I pick Sharon up from the airport for her first visit to Alice Springs. I’m looking forward to Robyn joining us in a couple of days for some family time/ adventures.

1 thought on “STMWY the Event.”

  1. Great pics feel like being on the road with you . Sounds like a lot of fun and adventures ahead with the girls 👧 Thinking fondly of Chris this last week and today . Don’t forget your jottings really look forward to them. Love to you and the girls Denise

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