Rollers tagalong reunion camp at Ponto Falls central west NSW

I’ve just returned from a great weekend gathering of 20 fellow Rollers. We had lots of catching up to do and stories to tell. Several of us had been here before as it was the meeting point for our/my first tagalong group/adventure to Exmouth WA in 2019.

The Macquarie River in all its splendor with the beautiful old river gums on its banks.
My camping spot. Very peaceful and quiet although punctuated by large flocks of raucous cockatoos dawn and dusk.
The fire was amazing, burnt non stop for 4 days. It was our central meeting point. We had campoven damper and several of us brought out our jaffle irons and had jaffles   for lunch. Marshmallows and toast were cooked over the coals.
Lovely sunsets, sunrises and a full moon what more could you want.
Nothing like sitting around the fire on a cool evening. Lots of talking, laughing and just gazing into the fire.

A big thanks to Noreen, our tagalong leader for providing and transporting 2 trailer loads of aged, seasoned hardwood logs. She is the master fire maker and never fails to create the best fires.

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