Almost Christmas

The time has flown since my last trip and here we are with Christmas upon us. It has been very much a case of living in the moment for us and exercising extreme patience amidst constant frustrations and testing situations. Paul’s looming family court matter has dominated our lives.

Picking up the prime mover prior to Convoy.

Four of the trucks from Brailey’s Transport were part of this year’s Convoy charity run. Another successful fund raiser for the local community although the family fun day at the end was cancelled due to high winds.

My new craft cabinet.

When I bought this cabinet the shop assistant required a second person to move it on a trolley to the delivery bay because of the weight and OH&S. That sent off alarm bells, how would l get this up the 20 steps into the house? Not daunted I went to get my car and drove it into their loading dock. Like most loading docks some planning was required to execute this exercise safely without causing a traffic accident. I reversed into the bay and they were waiting for me. My concern that it may not fit into the boot was ill founded as it just fit albeit very snugly. Pleased with my new purchase I drove home working out a strategy to get it into the house. The most practical solution was to open the box and remove the contents in manageable  sections for me to carry up the stairs. Several trips later I had an empty boot and a stack of cabinet pieces upstairs to assemble. I decided to take my time to study the cryptic instructions and wait for Jakes overnight stay, he could be my extra pair of hands. In the meantime I checked and sorted the many components involved.

I can’t claim to be the world’s best flat pack assembler but this was a challenge. I was so pleased that Jake was staying with me as a extra hand was need.

We/the kids and I, had fun decorating the tree. Again possum has not been forgotten and sits on a high branch. Van also likes possum!

Aunty Sharon has the awesome job of   Christmas shopping guru. For the last couple of years she has taken each of the grandkids separately to do their Christmas shopping for the family. The adults fund them and they need to come in on budget. They have learnt so much by doing this and it’s been a joy seeing the pleasure they derive and their thoughtfulness.

I delivered the presents the kids had purchased for those doing it tough this Christmas.


It’s Dahlia time again. I’m so pleased that the bulbs survived the long wet conditions we experienced this year. Always a reminder of mum as they come from her garden. Amazingly there are only two varieties and they continue to sport variations on the same bush.

Christmas dinner will be here again this year. Weather forecast sounds as though we will have pleasant conditions. Robyn won’t be with us due to work commitments but we’ll be in touch. It will be 5 years since Chris was with us. I miss him and the Santa phone impersonations to Paul’s and the nephews young kids. He did make a good Santa.

I have been remiss by not sending cards again this year ( another reminder that Chris isn’t here). So to those I’ve not seen prior to Christmas I send warm wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

Homeward bound.

It was a much quicker trip home travelling at my own pace. I visited and revised all the places I wanted to see. Mindful that I may not pass this way again.

The total distance traveled was 7499.6ks which brought the odometer reading up to 31893ks. Sharon contributed a few 100ks by sharing the return trip to Uluru and Yuendemu.

The rain brings a certain magic to the countryside and it’s ever changing landscape.

Erldunda Roadhouse and a wet overnight stop at Marla Roadhouse NT.
The majestic wedgedtail eagle
Coober Pedy
Overnight stop at Bon Bon Rest Area. Three other Rollers just happened to be here too.
Sunset and a full moon.
Sunrise and an early start.
Had to get a photo of the sign to check numbers from our previous travels. I did check our photo from May 2006. The sign is new or repainted but the numbers are the same!!!

The changing scenes as I’m traveling down the Stuart Highway.
South of Port Augusta everything is so lush. The countryside is a tapestry of greens and yellows.
Boronia like shrub looking stunning along the roadside. Could be mistaken for Wattle.
Acres of stunning yellow canola.
Balranald CP on the Murraumbidgee River. Water level remains high.
Gundagai CP also on the Murraumbidgee River.
My favorite park, Belmore Park Goulburn. The top two pictures are at the beginning of my trip and the others are 5 weeks later.

The last day of the trip was overcast and rainy. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Mt Keira Road was open again after major road repairs due to landslides and wet weather damage earlier in the year.

Not surprising really as Wollongong is holding the UCI world cycling championship event over the next 10 days. Mt Keira Road is part of the course. On the way down I passed several lycra clad cyclists wending their way up the mountain road through the beautiful rainforest followed by their backup vehicles.

So good to be back home. Time to begin unpacking the van but that can wait. More importantly it’s time to pick Van up from the boarding kennel.

I shouldn’t have worried, she still remembered me after 6 weeks away. Didn’t take long to settle back into our routine.

It was good to catch up with Paul and the grandkids. Lot’s happening for him with a family court date coming up soon. Hopefully it will enable them to finally get on with their lives and the kids can progress. So I’m pleased I’m back.

Alice Springs with my girls (including Kate)

Sharon arrived on September 1 to a wet Alice Springs. I picked her up from the airport and we made our way to our accommodation via a quick tour of town.

Anzac Hill.
The next day we spent hours looking around the Desert Park. Lots of birds, animals and native fauna.
I particularly liked this cute Numbat.

Robyn arrived late afternoon. She took us to Alice’s Vietnamese Restaurant that evening. A querky family owned business who grow most of their own produce. Afterwards we went to the Earth Centre for a lecture and viewing of the night sky with a look through the telescope which was amazing. We fortunately had a clear night and could identify many features in the night sky. Only problem was the cold.

The next day we travelled to Uluru.

Uluru at sunset.
The GoCA gallery. The art centres around the area are represented here. The gallery gives them exposure and a chance to sell their merchandise. Robyn had brought several boxes from Yuendemu for display and sale.
Raining on the rock.
We drove to a lookout point that provided a view of Uluru and Kata Tjuta.
On our way to Yuendemu we stopped at Tilmouth Well Roadhouse.
Robyn’s accommodation.
Watching the sunset from the dam.

We enjoyed our overnight stay at Robyn’s. She invited some people over for tea. We went to the art centre on arrival to find a note on the gate stating that the centre was closed due to staff off with COVID. Robyn had been away for week. The three of us did some voluntary work to help catch up. The next day the supply truck arrived to be unloaded so we came in handy again. The truck comes monthly and not only delivers art supplies but dog food so that most of the community dogs don’t go hungry.  The vet from Darwin had been recently to check the dogs out and desex them. Many are put up for adoption.

I had been warned about community unrest with the Coroners Investigation of the death of 19 yo Kumanjayi Walker taking place in Alice Springs ATM. Robyn initially had planned to show us around the town but crowds were gathering and the police car was there so we opted to go sightseeing instead.

We returned to Alice Springs for more sightseeing and then it was time for me to start my return trip. It was a special 10 days that we enjoyed together.

STMWY the Event.

What a fun 7 days I have had at the annual Rolling Solo gathering. Tonight I am back in Alice Springs having left Ross River Resort this morning. The 300 present have disbursed in various directions to either continue their own travels or head back home.

Little Finches in abundance.
Emily Gap.
Corroboree Rock. Another of nature’s amazing creations. Approximately 50ks out of Alice Springs in the eastern McDonald ranges. I remember being here with Chris.
The terrain is constantly changing.
We became part of the long line of Rollers waiting at the checkin point.
Time to appreciate the beautiful scenery.
Hooray at last we have arrived. Now to settle in and set up for the week.
Most of us were situated at the campground area a short 10 minute walk away from the homestead.
Some of the activities during the week.
Gala Dinner with a dress in white theme.
Finches at the homestead.
Walking on the road between the campground and the homestead. Vehicle movement was kept to a minimum due to dust. Quite a site after dark with torches to find out way.
Early morning at the campground.
Looking down on the campground from one of the many high vantage points.
A few of us are staying in Alice Springs at the CP post the event. I was fortunate to get a spot due to the Red Centre Nats event here over the weekend. Car enthusiasts from all over gather to be part of this event. The weather changed dramatically and by late afternoon it was raining heavily. Locals pleased with 20mm of rainfall. Car enthusiasts with their cars out in the rain not so pleased.

Tomorrow I pick Sharon up from the airport for her first visit to Alice Springs. I’m looking forward to Robyn joining us in a couple of days for some family time/ adventures.

STMWY tagalong to Ross River NT cont’d.

Week 2 commences after we leave Port Augusta and travel up the Stuart Highway to Alice Springs.

A picture opportunity as we head along the Stuart Highway.
Typical terrain along the way.
Woomera known mainly for the presence of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautic historic aerospace site. Amongst the many exhibits there was wreckage of rockets salvaged from the Simpson Dessert.
This terrain stretches for kilometres. The wattles are a picture.
Overnight at Bon Bon roadside stop.
Coober Pedy.
Some noodling on the outskirts of town.
We had a one and a half hour tour of this working mine. The price of diesel is making their work probative.
Our accommodation, Coober Pedy Views. Air B&B owned by a fellow Roller Karen.

Sunrise from the van.
Karen’s house is underground as is her B&B.
Hardy gum trees survive in the harsh climate.
The Dog fence.
Karen took a group of us out to the Breakaways to view the sunset. Amazing rock formations.

Our next overnight stop was at Marla Roadhouse. Here we met up with more Rollers traveling with tagalongs from WA and VIC.

One more overnight stop before Alice Springs.

Chuck Norris the camel is an attraction at the Erldunda Roadhouse NT
Overnight at Erldunda Roadhouse NT.

We arrived in Alice Springs 11 days after we set out. The whole time has been enjoyable and we have had a lot of fun along the way.

These parrots are very tame and inquisitive. Taken at GDay Mate CP Alice Springs.
Street parade then down to the dry river bed.
Boat making at the CP then on the day of the big Henley on Todd Race. Descendants of the Todd family were present as the race coincided with 150 years since the overland telegraph was completed.

Two more days here at the CP then off to Ross River for the annual Rollers gathering.

STMWY NSW to Ross River NT Tagalong

Day 1 started with dropping Van off at her boarding kennel then an 8:30 departure for my journey.

I didn’t spend the weekend at Jugiong  as planned but decided to join them in Narrandera instead. Fortunately for me, not them the weather alerts for the flooding or the Murraumbidgee River  and release of water from Burrenjuck dam made it necessary for alternative arrangements.

My first stop was at my favorite Belmore Park. I was here 3 weeks ago and signs of spring can be seen in the gardens. Although it’s a cold 9 degrees.

Lunch stop at a Service Centre near Yass. I parked next to this little blast from the past. It’s the real deal. Mini minor Cooper S.

Most of the drive was in beautiful sunny weather with one stormy patch this side of Wagga Wagga. Network coverage is patchy  so I am pleased I got my second phone as it was needed.

I arrived at Lake Albert CP Narrandera at 4pm. It was good to see familiar faces as well as meet new ones. This trip was postponed from last year so at last it is happening.

We stopped at Hay and admired the sculptured sheep. The big fella is reading ” The Power of One”.

Overnight stop at Yanga RA east of Balranald.

Roadside stop outside of Mildura. View of the Murray River.

Worlds End Reserve, Bura SA.

Bowman’s Park, Crystal Brook SA. Overnight stop. Too wet and windy for a camp fire. Full moon.

Looking out of the van.

Next overnight stop Crystal Brook SA. Local Show on so we spent time looking around.

Along side and beyond the wall was a native playground and garden.

Nature playground and native gardens.

Wet enough for some opportunistic fungi.

Native flora abounds. Taken in misty rain.

Staying tonight in Port Augusta at a CP. Laundry done plus other chores.

Bendigo Sheep and Wool Show

This is what it’s all about. Postponed for the last two years there was an amazing sense of excitement/competitiveness and joy that the Wool Show was back.

I first went to the Wool show with Chris in 2016. We spent the weekend in Bendigo and both enjoyed all the events on offer at the show.

I planned to break the trip with an overnight stop and be in Bendigo Friday for the first day. I had 3 nights booked at the Golden Nugget CP ( aptly named for the significance of the history of gold in area).

There is always something that doesn’t go to plan. The day before leaving all was going well. Van was at the boarding kennel , pack up done and time fuel up, check tyre pressures then plug in the fridge overnight. That is when I found out that I had a flat battery!! Fortunately I was able to put it on the charger and it charged enough overnight to start next morning.

The other debilitating/inconvenient problem this trip was network connection issues. I had none or insufficient coverage to use the phone, google maps, Spotify or make accommodation bookings. No one could contact me. I was pleased to have paper maps on board and CDs to listen to for my listening pleasure.

When I returned home I went to Telstra and they replaced the SIM but they were not sure why it had happened.

For my next trip to Ross River NT I know that Optus is the only provider with reception/coverage. Instead of swapping SIM cards I decided to purchase a prepaid Optus phone to have for future travels. So I hope to have all bases covered now.

Usual stop at Belmore Park, Goulburn. Very different in winter and very cold.

The Big Merino at Goulburn. Shamefully I have never stopped here before but this time I recetified that fact. I did the climb to the top and looked through the sheep’s eye to have a birds/sheep’s eye view of Bunnings!
Odd weights and ends good quality 8ply. The joys of “the backroom” at Bendigo Woollen Mills shop outlet.
Future knitting and spinning projects.
Oddments from Wangaratta Woolen Mill shop outlet.
Sock yarn stash heaven.
All the woolly, crafty goodness.
Sheepdog championship trials.
How could you not love sheep.
Crossection of fleece for judging.
Proud Corriedale owners.
National shearing awards.

The pictures tell the story. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Bendigo. The weather as expected was cold, wet, windy even sleet on one occasion but there were periods of sunshine. The crowds were huge so mask wearing adhered to by the majority of people. Vic health had COVID-19 testing and a clinic on site.

There was no point in leaving early as the blanketing of fog didn’t lift until after 8 am.

It’s been a while….

School holidays again, now into the second week. The children were at their mum’s last week and Shakira was in iso during that time. I haven’t seen them this week as Paul is monitoring the other three for any sign of them being infected. So far, so good. He is battling a nasty cold he thinks he got in the wet weather we had last week. Flooding was an issue again and I know he had sleepless nights watching the tide levels. I recorded 275mm rain in a 24hr period with an additional 175mm over following 48hrs. The backyard is saturated and will take a long time to dry. It hadn’t completely recovered from our previous deluge.

A highlight was a visit from my sister who stayed for a few days. She had been invited to attend a reunion of her nursing group.

We were very productive during her stay and she was keen to help tackle my growing list of things to do.

I had a tree branch off the Jacaranda tree that had blown down during some recent gale force winds. We managed to chop it up enough for 2 loads in the green bin.

My kitchen draw needed the front panel reattached so we got to work, glued and clamped it, done. So much easier with an extra pair of hands.

Between us we managed to repurpose some old timber, cut and sand dowling pegs to make a peg loom for my next project.

We also went shopping. So much easier to have someone accompanying you when making decisions. I now have new oven. My previous oven was a combination oven / griller and a new/replacement version didn’t fit. The solution was to purchase a standard size oven. In doing this I had lost my toaster so a new toaster was in order. “While at it why not replace the old plastic for a stainless steel kettle” says Lynda. In addition I was talked into getting a heat pad, because ‘they were so good’.

For some entertainment and because our vouchers were due to expire, we treated ourselves to a movie. Lynda was keen to see Top Gun and I didn’t object so we both had an enjoyable session in comfort with the obligatory popcorn, choc cones and a drink. We later used our dine vouchers on a meal at a local restaurant.

Being the EOFY it was an ideal time to update my old TV. The old one now lives in my bedroom, what an indulgence.

Another highlight was a suprise visit from Robyn. She had taken a few days off before an art exhibition she was working at for her art centre at the international terminal in Sydney.

Our Tuesday Lunch Ladies had a special Christmas in July lunch which included respective husbands. Eleven of us attended, Denise and Torbs were unable to come as they hadn’t fully recovered from Covid. I wasn’t sure about going although it was a chance to catch up with the fellas. It surprises me how difficult it is and uncomfortable I feel in the company of friends. Without Chris it seems that I have little to contribute and my interests aren’t as relatable or as easy to share. It’s taking so much longer to come to terms with than I would ever have imagined. Finding my place in the scheme of things will take time. The friendships I cherish and want to maintain.

One thing I am looking forward to is some time away by myself. The dog is off to be boarded this afternoon and I am heading off to Bendigo tomorrow for the 2022 Sheep and Wool Show.

On the road again.

I’ve just returned from a few days away. It was so good to travel again and meet up with other roller friends as well as meeting many new faces.

Belmore Park Goulburn.

I always like to check out the gardens in the beautiful Belmore Park, Goulburn.

Next stop on the way was at Jugiong where I met up with Robyn H. She had left very early and had traveled from Sydney.

The event we were attending was in Tumut for the annual Falling Leaf Festival. Janet, one of the local rollers had organized for us to stay at the Riverglade CP, located on the banks of the beautiful Tumut River.

We arrived in Tumut at 3pm and settled into the CP before a meet and greet in the large camp kitchen area.

As it turned out, due to bad weather the festival was cancelled but in true Roller fashion we managed to find plenty to do regardless.

Hard to believe that there had been heavy rain overnight.

The falling leaves lost their appeal when they were stuck all over Flo.

We enjoyed dinner at the Golf Club on Saturday night.

So nice to wake up to a fresh, misty morning. I was pleased to have my trusty hot water bottle overnight, it was 7 degrees when I woke.

It was time to leave and after many goodbyes I set off for home.

I enjoyed the drive back. The countryside is looking good. Not so thrilled with fuel prices though, $2.07/l diesel.

Once home I unpacked and then drove to Paul’s to pick up Van. She didn’t take long to resume her creature comforts when we got back home.

Welcome 2022

As I find myself settling in to 2022 so much is happening in the world but my life has been relatively quiet.

Robyn arrived safely at Yuendumu after isolating in Alice Springs.

ABC News: ‘It’s not really being explained’: Language barrier and overcrowding hampers Yuendumu COVID response.

COVID update:

Sharon and Jai shared their January birthday celebrations with a family meal of Paul’s famous smoked chicken, sausages and salad followed by an amazing chocolate cake, thanks Jake.

The Channel-billed cuckoo’s are back. This hungry chick has a wattle bird for it’s proxy mother. Both parents are sharing feeding duty.
Recent cooking session with Aunty Sharon.

Back to school and each student has to comply with the introduced RAT requirements which involve testing Mondays and Fridays.

Paul got the news that one of the children’s little brothers had tested positive after an outbreak at his daycare centre. They needed to quarantine so Shakira couldn’t return home until there was no COVID in their house. As it transpired Shakira stayed for 4 weeks as each of the family became positive with the virus.

Shakira proudly shows her trophy. Paul did well to juggle 3 lessons week days with the occasional weekend thrown in. The other three were less than impressed.

This is the news headline I woke up to today. We live in troubled times….

The Sydney Morning Herald: Russia-Ukraine LIVE updates: Vladimir Putin declares war on Ukraine as explosions, missiles envelop Kyiv, Kharkiv; world condemns attack

Record rainfall kicks off 2022 across NSW as several towns break monthly highs – ABC News

The wet weather continues. The lawn and garden are growing before my eyes. The ground is saturated and too wet to mow.

From the vegetable patch.

On a sad note though I attended the funeral of Damian RIP, much loved son of Ann-Maree and Kieran B. He was the same age as my youngest son and much too young to leave us. It wasn’t easy for me in the church and tears flowed freely, the mask was a help. I realize how fragile I am and remain even though Chris’s funeral was 3 1/2years ago.